Sire: PullDoggies Xavier -X- Dam: PullDoggies Roady
Born 06-4-2014
Puppy # _____
PURCHASE PRICE $750.00 Plus Shipping and crate if necessary
Deposit of $350 to reserve your pup and balance of $400 due by shipping date.
Deposits are non-refundable.
If buyer forfeits the purchase of a puppy for any circumstance funds deposited will not be returned to buyer.
To be in good physical condition for the first 48 hours after the time of delivery. The buyer agrees to have the puppy examined by a veterinarian within 48 hours after the delivery time for a complete physical examination. If a veterinarian finds the puppy to have a contagious disease or to have a serious physical condition other than a bacterial infection such as coccidia or giardia, which is easily treated, the seller will replace the puppy with another puppy of comparable or better quality. The seller reserves the right to a second veterinarian opinion at the expense of the seller. If a veterinarian does not examine the puppy within 48 hours after delivery time, the above guarantees are no longer in effect. No monies will be refunded.
To be free of any inheritable disease that causes death or serious impairment of vital functions in the puppy until such puppy is one (1) year of age. If such an inheritable disease is documented by a veterinarian and presented to the seller with sufficient supporting evidence, the buyer will be entitled to a replacement puppy of comparable quality, in the case no puppies are available one will be reserved from a future breeding. The seller reserves the right to a second veterinarian opinion at the expense of the seller.
To be of sound temperament, that is, to be neither so shy nor vicious as to render the dog to be an unfit companion. This guarantee of temperament is effective only until the dog reaches one (1) year of age, if sold as a puppy, and is contingent upon reasonable proof that any defect in temperament is not the result of lack of proper care or training on the part of the buyer.
Seller agrees to have given puppy first shots and have wormed puppy at least one time.
1. To use the PullDoggies Kennel name as the kennel prefix in the registered name of the dog
New owner agrees to be sure dog/puppy has received at least 2-3 vaccines and wormed 2 times. No replacement will be offered in case of Parvo
New owner agrees to maintain a quality feeding program, fresh water at all times, a secure exercise space and shelter.
Maintain up to date vaccines and regular routine worming. PullDoggies Kennels cannot be held liable for any health defects due to buyer's negligence regarding vaccinations and worming after date of sale.
The purchaser agrees that the dog will not be used for any illegal activity and if found doing so seller has the right to remove the dog and place with a proper owner.
If there are ANY circumstances that arise and the new owner can no longer keep the dog. New owner must contact PullDoggies Kennels immediately to make arrangements to return said puppy/dog to breeder, ship the puppy/dog to a new home that the breeder has screened or chosen, or to a new home that the breeder has approved that was chosen buy new owner. Shipping is new owner's responsibility. Buyer will be forfeiting right to any money refunded from PullDoggies Kennel. THERE SHALL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS.
New owner agrees to keep in contact with PullDoggies Kennels on a regular basis. If any of the new owners contact information changes, particularly address and/or phone number, new owner agrees to contact PullDoggies Kennels immediately and advise them of changes. New owner will on occasion supply the breeder with pictures, weight, and other health information on the regards to the said puppy/dog.
New owner agrees that if purchasing a female dog/puppy will not be used for breeding until dog/puppy has reached 2 years of age and has proper health, temperament, and structure for breeding.
If purchasing a male dog from the breeder, buyer agrees it must allow one stud service with a waiver of any stud fee upon request. Breeder is responsible for paying all shipping or artificial insemination fees.
The buyer and the seller agree that this is the full and complete agreement that exists between the parties for the sale of this dog. Any agreements made prior to this are considered voided and any modifications made to this agreement shall be made in writing or such shall not be effective.
Agreement must be signed by the purchaser and received by the seller upon receipt and full purchase price paid of puppy.
SELLER: __________________________________________ DATE: ____________
BUYER E-MAIL: _______________________________________________
BUYER PRINTED NAME: _______________________________________________
SIGNATURE _________________________________________ DATE:____________
ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________
PHONE ____-_____-__________ E-MAIL__________________________________
Make Payable / Mail to: Todd Tripp 39538 Kimberly Ave. Zephyrhills, Fl 33540 - 813-715-2048