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PullDoggies Tangerine Road APAstar
American Pulling Alliance 2004 40lb class National runner up.​
Tangi pulled 1940lbs for 48.5 times her body weight and lost first only by a few seconds.
She is an awesome dog and excels no matter what she is doing. She is an stellar weight puller, a great companion and the best varmint hunting dog I have ever had. Tangi is an extremely smart dog who can open doors and even windows. She is a fun dog and gets the wiggles when she see's you, She is truly a joy to have.

PullDoggies Tangerine Road II APAstar
American Pulling Alliance Star.​
Roady is a tightly bred female of and and direct daughter of Tangi. Roady earned her Apa star in just 6 cometitions.

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